Monday, January 16, 2012

I've Got You! Take Off Your Mask!

 I've Got You; Take Off Your Mask

I am the Lord your God
Don’t be afraid
I am here to help you
No disappointment
No condemnation
Only delight
Only love

I’ve got you, take off your mask

Before I formed you in the belly I knew you
Before you came forth out of the womb, I sanctified you and ordained you
Even the hairs of your head are all numbered
I am perfect in knowledge
I look to the ends of the earth
And see everything under the heavens

I’ve got you, take off your mask

I have called you by name
I have redeemed you
Justified you
Glorified you
You are Mine
No one can deliver you out of my hand

I’ve got you, take off your mask

I keep track of your sorrows
I have collected all your tears in My bottle
I am familiar with all your ways
If you rise on the wings of dawn
If you settle on the far side of the sea
Even there, My hand will guide you
My right hand will hold you fast

I’ve got you, take off your mask

I am greater than your heart
I know everything
Even before a word is on your tongue, I know it altogether
I know what you need before you ask Me
No creature is hidden from My sight
All are naked and exposed to My eyes

I’ve got you, take off your mask

My understanding has no limit
I’m not who you thought
I am love
I’m right here
Give in to My embrace

I’ve got you, take off your mask

Enter the Room of Grace

(c)  Rudi Taylor

Of all beings in existence, God is the One we can totally be ourselves with, for nothing about us is hidden from His eyes. He sees our hearts and knows what is there even more so than we do ourselves. He sees the secret places that we would never allow anyone else to see, but He also sees the hidden places that we did not even realize was residing within us.

So, now that you have this knowledge, make HIM your best friend, because all that He knows about YOU dear one will not be exposed to others. You can trust Him with your inner most thoughts, whether they are good or evil.  He already knows the content of our hearts..."The heart is deceitful ABOVE ALL things, and DESPERATELY WICKED: who can know it?" (Jeremiah 17:9) The One who knows it is God, but get this, He loves us anyway. 

Starting TODAY, take off that mask, fall down before Him and spill the contents of your heart. Tell Him about your anger or unforgiving spirit toward another; tell Him you are brokenhearted because you still have unanswered prayer concerning that lost loved one; tell Him you are weary with this life and a mundane existence that you know was not His plan for your life. Tell Him that you know you should be reading His Word and talking to Him daily, but have fallen short and let the pressures of life crowd Him out. 

My friend, He KNOWS all these things, but He wants YOU to come to Him, because HE is the only One that can do anything about our burdens and sorrows. Only He can mend a broken heart; only He can set things straight; only He can take a hardened heart and make it mold-able and compliant again; only He can give us victory in the unseen battle of principalities and powers that are beyond our strength.

So, beloved, what are you waiting for....take off that mask and run to Him NOW. Your Father, your dearest Friend, awaits you....

For His Glory,

The Princess Warrior

Copyright Information
Copyright © 2009 The Princess Warrior Ministries. All articles are copyrighted on the date they are posted, unless otherwise indicated. All rights reserved. Permission granted for not-for-sale reproduction in exact form including copyright and web address. Other uses require written permission. Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture references are taken from the King James Bible.

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