
Monday, February 4, 2013

She Who Kneels Before God Can Stand Before ANYONE!!

She who kneels before God can stand before ANYONE...

Dear Princess, Daughter of the Most High God,
Have you knelt before your King today...or even yesterday or the day before? Have you praised Him and thanked Him for your salvation that came at such a high cost? Have you asked Him to forgive the sins in your life that keep you from getting the healing that you need and hinders the sweet fellowship you could be having with a loving, yet holy and omnipotent God?......
(Most likely, you know what these transgressions are because you may have been hiding them from the rest of the world for quite some time... but, if you do not know.... "ASK" if there be anything that hinders you and He will show you. It is of utmost importance to Your Lord. He saved YOU to have a relationship with YOU. You are precious to Him because you are His child... YOU are HIS beloved. He will help you lay down that which besets you and keeps you from running the race He has set before you.)

If you have not gone to Him today, it's not too late. Do it right now before satan snatches this moment from you. Your Savior is calling and He is only a prayer away.....

I know and you know, from experience, that when you have been in His presence, unhindered by sin, it is glorious and we feel a power coursing through our veins that the world cannot know. It causes us to stand our ground even when we find ourselves standing alone. It causes us to love the unlovable and stand against injustice done to the weak and not turn a blind eye. It helps us to be more than conquerors. It gives us holy boldness to be a witness to ANY man... not fearing what man would do to us. It causes us to fear NO ONE, but God... and we will not feel the sting of rejection because we will know that we are accepted by, His Majesty, the One who loves us and gave Himself for us.

Precious one, satan is jealous of this power and he will do whatever is necessary to keep you from having it. DON'T let him have his way with you any longer! 
Are your secret sins worth more to you than our loving God and Creator and the sacrifice He made? Are they worth hanging onto and causing you to continually live in defeat... or is it time to rise up and say, "I'm not going to live like this anymore! Satan has destroyed too much... taken too much! It is time for his reign of terror to end! It is time to take my rightful place as a joint heir with Jesus Christ... as priests and kings. It is time to live a holy, dedicated, and separated life! It is time to stop living in the trap satan has me in... living like a slave to sin... living below my means... living like a pauper instead of a princess..."
Oh friend, listen......"He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?" (Romans 8:32)
Ask for forgiveness and be set free --- FREE from anger, anxiety, bitterness, unforgiveness, jealousy, lying, stealing, cheating, coveting, gossiping, judgmental attitudes, being unfaithful to God's cause, lack of empathy for the lost, fornication, drunkeness, addictions, selfishness, every form of wickedness, feelings of inferiority, feelings of rejection, lack of faith, disobedience, not hating what God hates and loving what God loves! Run, to Him dear child and lay it down! He loves you and He wants to heal you! No one is holding you back...ONLY YOU are holding you back! There is victory and deliverance in His precious name! LET GO AND LET GOD! Feel the power of His presence!
There is NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING worth hanging onto...NOTHING of such worth that it should come between you and your GOD... between you and living the abundant life that God intended you to live... a life free of the burdens you were never meant to carry!!! DO NOT delay my sister-in-Christ!! Today is the day for your deliverance! Not tomorrow... for it may never come!! Shake it off! Lay it down! You know that you must! Nothing will change until you do.......
I love you because of Calvary,

~The Princess Warrior

P.S. Friend, I felt pressed on all sides to share this message. God knows that someone needs to hear it. Someone may be on the last leg of their journey and is fearful to meet God, someone may be on the verge of placing themselves on a shelf to never be used of God again, or someone may be ready to throw in the towel on life. Don't do it! There is still hope! As long as you have breathe... THERE IS HOPE! Realization, belief, and repentance are the steps to reconciliation and healing.

If you've never known the feeling that I have described in the letter above... if you've never had the power of God on your life before, I would be glad to lead you to its source.... JESUS, JESUS, JESUS!!! There's just something about that name! I can show you how to receive Him today. Just leave me a comment and I WILL respond... I care, but most of all, GOD CARES and He will meet you where you are!!

Copyright Information 
Copyright © 2009 The Princess Warrior Ministries. All articles are copyrighted on the date they are posted, unless otherwise indicated. All rights reserved. Permission granted for not-for-sale reproduction in exact form including copyright and web address. Other uses require written permission. Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture references are taken from the King James Bible.

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