Friday, April 12, 2013

God Won't Give You More Than You Can Handle?

1 Corinthians 10:13. This verse gets thrown around a lot. Many people use this line to encourage a friend or family member going through a tough situation. And while it’s absolutely essential that we do everything we can to build up and encourage people who are experiencing trials and adversity, we need to make sure that what we encourage them with is the truth; otherwise, we are lying to them.

"God won't give you more than you can handle" gets thrown around a lot. While this phrase sounds very positive and affirming, you will not find it anywhere in the Bible. It simply doesn’t exist. What you will find is a similar verse "No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it." (1 Corinthians 10:13) This often misquoted verse has to do with the level of temptation not the level of struggles.

The truth is: God will not allow us to be tempted beyond our ability to do what is right; however, there are many examples in the Bible, where we see men and women who are given far more than they can handle. God makes it clear that we are not self-sufficient. We cannot just hunker down and power through every situation. Jesus never told anyone, "If you would just try harder, you will get yourself out of this mess." This is the false assurance we give to struggling people when we tell them "You're strong and you can make it through this." We cannot white-knuckle our way through life's storms. We need God.

God is not putting burdens on you to test how strong your are. And likewise, you do not fail the test when you cry out to God for help, or even accept the help from people God sends your way. God indeed loves us very much—so much so that He will not let us try to rely on our own strength, but continue to show us that we must rely on Him to endure suffering and persevere until the end.
Source: Posted by a Facebook Friend 
To My Friend:
I am so glad you posted this. I have known for a long time that this was not scriptural and have been wanting to write an article about it, but as yet, have not. This says exactly what I would have wanted to say. 
In the past and with my current health issues and family issues there have been times that my knees have buckled and I've fallen from the load. Each time it was only after I cried out to God to either help me carry it or remove it was I able to keep going forward. If He would not give me more than I could handle, why would I ever need His help? 
Now, concerning temptations...yes, I have been tempted to get angry about my situation and I have been tempted with all kinds of other things during this trial, but God has always given me an avenue of escape. He always uses my God-given conscience, but most often, He brings scripture to my mind so I will remember the "right thing" to do or think. 
In all reality, I am thankful that God has given me more than I can handle. I am a very headstrong, self-sufficient, ex-Marine. God had to give me things that I could not control and could not handle myself in order for me to put my complete trust in HIM and His strength and provision. 
Thanks again! This was a much needed message!!
~The Princess Warrior
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