Thursday, September 6, 2012

Shouting the Victory!

Every child of God, at the high points of their own spiritual walk, MUST ENCOURAGE their wounded and fallen brothers and sisters in Christ to stay in or get back in the battle. Why? There are several reasons:
  1. Because the Lord commands it! (John 13:34) Our love for Him can be measured by our love for others -- it is evidence of a relationship with God who is LOVE.  (1 John 4:11-12)
  2. The war is heating up and we need all the soldiers we can get. (Luke 10:2) For sure, there will be many battles ahead. (Hebrews 10:24-25)
  3. If you are a true believer, there will come a day that YOU will need encouragement. (Romans 5:3-5) Your mountain top experience will not last forever and there will be many valleys to travel before you make it home. 
  4. We live in a fallen world and we WILL have troubles. (Job 14:1)
God allows us to go through trials to grow our faith. (1 Peter 1:6-7) With each difficult circumstance the Lord sees us through we gain a greater love and appreciation for the One who has upheld us and never left our side. When we encourage one another in the same manner, we also develop a greater love for our brethren. (1 John 3:14)

Sadly, today there is a famine in our land of Christian compassion and forgiveness. It could be that there are more tares in our midst than we even realize or it could be that we have left our first love. We've allowed our own wants and desires to choke out our effectiveness in the kingdom of God.

And I have also made an observation -- when we have real truth it will do one of two things -- it will either humble and convict us or puff us up. If we are humbled, we will esteem others better than ourselves. If we are puffed up, we become high-minded, standoffish, judgmental, and critical.

If you are saved by the grace of God, you are an enemy of satan. He is waging an all out war on God's children because he knows his reign of terror is quickly drawing to a close. He loves it when we are backbiting, bickering, and constantly judging one another. It makes his job of discouragement so much easier.

My friend, we MUST do one thing and we must do it now -- ask God to help us examine our hearts to first, see if we are truly in the faith, and second to seek out any sin that could be hindering us and eradicate it. Confess it. Get rid of it. It is dead weight that holds us down -- chokes the life out of us -- stifles our power -- and keeps us on the sidelines.

We also MUST be willing to get out of our cozy comfort zone and pick each other back up. Yes, it will require our time and, some of our resources. We may have to get down on our knees. It may include bitter tears. But, a platoon is so much stronger than a single, wounded soldier. TOGETHER we can fight the battles that God has already won. Together we can cross the finish line, arm in arm, shouting the victory!! Can you picture that! I can. On that day our faith will become sight! We and our fellow comrades can then rest and enjoy the work of our labor for all of eternity. We will know in our hearts that we didn't let one fellow soldier go it alone.

God is still looking for a few good men...and women. Are you up to the challenge? If so, I'm going to give you one. This coming week pick one person from your church to encourage (preferably, someone that isn't a good friend -- we're getting out of our comfort zone, remember?) It can be a phone call, a visit, a text, or even a message on Facebook, etc. Ask God to guide you and determine in your heart that you will follow His lead.

Here's another thought: If you will do this just once a week in a year's time you will have encouraged 52 people; which is more than many will encourage in their lifetime. And on top of this, challenge your Christian friends to do the same.

If you want to "stick it" to satan then become an encourager. If you have been sealed by the Holy Spirit you already have what is required. All you need to do is act -- then watch God do mighty things among His people!

For His Honor & Glory, 

The Princess Warrior 

Copyright Information 
Copyright © 2009 The Princess Warrior Ministries. All articles are copyrighted on the date they are posted, unless otherwise indicated. All rights reserved. Permission granted for not-for-sale reproduction in exact form including copyright and web address. Other uses require written permission. Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture references are taken from the King James Bible.

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